
Black History Month Closing Party

Black History Month Closing Party

Black History Month Closing Party

Black History Month Closing Party

In the spirit of yet another successful Black History Month, we’re assembling for the very last time in Kavka Oudaan for the BHM closing party. To celebrate 5 years of Black History Month, BHM is partnering up with Alaiz to organise the fifth edition of TRACKSUIT PARTY.Leave your levi jeans at home and come with your best tracksuit, hoodie, joggers…
Be ready to dance!


In the spirit of yet another successful Black History Month, we’re assembling for the very last time in Kavka Oudaan for the BHM closing party. To celebrate 5 years of Black History Month, BHM is partnering up with Alaiz to organise the fifth edition of TRACKSUIT PARTY.Leave your levi jeans at home and come with your best tracksuit, hoodie, joggers…
Be ready to dance!



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