




Looking for the best party of this year? Come to DOUZZ!!!
On April 21, we transform Kavka Oudaan into a party paradise. The evening starts with nice pop sounds after which you can go completely wild on cheerful techno.

Line up:
22:00 – 23:00: DJ AP
23:00 – 00:00: Channel 26
00:00 – 03:00: Brian De Schryver
Important info:
22:00hr – 03:00hr
16+ only

Looking for the best party of this year? Come to DOUZZ!!!
On April 21, we transform Kavka Oudaan into a party paradise. The evening starts with nice pop sounds after which you can go completely wild on cheerful techno.

Line up:
22:00 – 23:00: DJ AP
23:00 – 00:00: Channel 26
00:00 – 03:00: Brian De Schryver
Important info:
22:00hr – 03:00hr
16+ only


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Zappa is verhuisd! is verhuisd naar omdat we geloven dat beide locaties elkaar versterken en we ze op die manier digitaal dichter bij elkaar willen brengen. Ontdek op onze nieuwe website wat we te bieden hebben aan jongeren initiatief!

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