
Fight Sexism Party

Fight Sexism Party

Fight Sexism Party

Fight Sexism Party

We are an activist student movement fighting against climate change, high costs of living, sexism, fascism, homophobia,…. We are mobilizing for the manifestation against sexual violence on the 27th of November. To kick of our campaign for the march and to show Antwerp that a party without abuse is possible, we throw this party for you. Get ready for cute kicks, melodies and dancing tunes by brand new and already established artists. A wide variety in music will tingle your ears and make your legs move. Names will be announced shortly.

Needles to say, we don’t tolerate any sort of hate and will provide assistance for those who do experience anything. There will be lots of stewards and safe persons to make everyone feel comfortable. And we will provide lots of information about ongoing struggles in Antwerp.


We are an activist student movement fighting against climate change, high costs of living, sexism, fascism, homophobia,…. We are mobilizing for the manifestation against sexual violence on the 27th of November. To kick of our campaign for the march and to show Antwerp that a party without abuse is possible, we throw this party for you. Get ready for cute kicks, melodies and dancing tunes by brand new and already established artists. A wide variety in music will tingle your ears and make your legs move. Names will be announced shortly.

Needles to say, we don’t tolerate any sort of hate and will provide assistance for those who do experience anything. There will be lots of stewards and safe persons to make everyone feel comfortable. And we will provide lots of information about ongoing struggles in Antwerp.



Contacteer ons

Zappa is verhuisd! is verhuisd naar omdat we geloven dat beide locaties elkaar versterken en we ze op die manier digitaal dichter bij elkaar willen brengen. Ontdek op onze nieuwe website wat we te bieden hebben aan jongeren initiatief!

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