
KAVKA EXPO | Burenhinder | Hitherto

KAVKA EXPO | Burenhinder | Hitherto

KAVKA EXPO | Burenhinder | Hitherto

KAVKA EXPO | Burenhinder | Hitherto

Two years after their Debut Livestream recorded in the bathrooms of Kavka Zappa, the female art an rave collective Burenhinder is back, this time at Kavka Oudaan, with an installation showing what has kept them busy until now + DJ-set at the International Women’s Day event by Kavka on the 8th of March. Expo curated by Nel Samoy (Burenhinder) from the 8th until the 29th of March.

Kavka Expo is het expo-luik van Kavka Oudaan, in centrum Antwerpen. In onze exporuimte, zichtbaar vanop straat, bieden we jong en aanstormend talent de kans om hun werk te delen met het publiek.
De expo bezichtigen op afspraak of zelf een expo organiseren? Contacteer dan NIKKI@KAVKA.BE voor meer informatie.

Two years after their Debut Livestream recorded in the bathrooms of Kavka Zappa, the female art an rave collective Burenhinder is back, this time at Kavka Oudaan, with an installation showing what has kept them busy until now + DJ-set at the International Women’s Day event by Kavka on the 8th of March. Expo curated by Nel Samoy (Burenhinder) from the 8th until the 29th of March.

Kavka Expo is het expo-luik van Kavka Oudaan, in centrum Antwerpen. In onze exporuimte, zichtbaar vanop straat, bieden we jong en aanstormend talent de kans om hun werk te delen met het publiek.
De expo bezichtigen op afspraak of zelf een expo organiseren? Contacteer dan NIKKI@KAVKA.BE voor meer informatie.

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